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The Hunters in the Snow  
  Art History  
  "The Hunters in the Snow" or "January" 1565
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525/30-1569

If you reject studying human anatomy, art of drawing, conceptions of perspective, mathematic rules of aesthetics and colour I would rather say that it is a manifestation of laziness and not that of a genius.

Salvador Dali

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  Art History - Taking You To A Whole New World Of Appreciation***
By Susan G Phillips

Ancient art is something to be respected, cherished and admired and any connoisseur of ancient art loves to collect it just as much as he or she loves to admire it. In the past, collecting ancient art was extremely difficult, very exclusive and for this reason was generally considered rather expensive and out of the reach of the 'mum and dad' enthusiasts. Most of the art found, was placed in museums or owned by the rich. Today, this is no longer the case

If you were to search for art history on the Internet, you would find that ancient art is easy to locate and not really all that expensive to buy. No matter what period of art history you are searching for, whether you are looking for art ancient Egyptian art, such as Egyptian scarabs, or Iron Age art, you will be able to find it on the Internet. And the mere fact that ancient art is available on the Internet is not only new but very, very popular. Being widely accessible is really important because ancient art should be enjoyed by everyone in the community, especially those who have a true love for it or even have some genealogical attachment to it. This art was created as decoration and as a mark of time and memory for the respective periods in which it was created. Now, you can have replications of it in which to decorate your own home.

These days starting a collection of ancient art is very simple. There are a number of internet sites that sell ancient works of art. Certain internet sites will even help you begin your collection by giving you guidance as to how it should be done with expert help offered on price, negotiation tips, after sales care and retaining value. These sites give you the opportunity to work with an art specialist who will give you all the right advice you need on how to make your collection grow and look fabulous. After all, they love ancient art as much as you do.

If you are a newcomer into the world of ancient art, you can learn a lot from these art history websites. But you need to take the time to look around and do your homework before you jump into buying a piece. They offer so many different pieces from so many different eras that you will be amazed but it can also be overwhelming, so doing your homework is important.

You might not think you have a preference when it comes to ancient pieces of art, but after perusing through an internet website devoted to the art work of the various historical periods, you might change your mind. Once you start collecting, there will be no stopping you, either! There is something so exciting and fulfilling about creating your very own collection of ancient artwork. Consider picking a theme or a period and start your research into this area. Within months you will not only be an expert on this area but you may well have acquired several pieces to start your collection.

About the Author: Are you looking for information on anything and everything Art related? Check out YU Art at: YU Art , published by Susan G Phillips, is a complete resource directory covering the complete A to Z of Art topics You can view more YU Art articles at:


The Metropolitan Museum of Art Has Great Influence on Art's History
By Mike Selvon

When making plans to visit New York City, whether for a family vacation or for a business trip, it is difficult not to run across plenty of information and promotions about the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This world-class museum is one of the largest anywhere, as well as being one of the best known, and it is where some of the most wonderful collections of fine art anywhere in the world are housed.

The collections that are housed in this New York museum are comprised of more than two million works of amazing art. This stunning supply of art treasures spans more than 5,000 years of world history and culture that comes from every corner the globe. The "Met," as it is popularly called, especially by locals, was founded in 1870 and it is located along the eastern edge of New York City's Central Park, situated on Fifth Avenue. Each year it receives millions of visitors.

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