My new book “Carousel of the World”

Available on Amazon. Order today!

“The whole theme of the “Carousel” series is the trouble, hustle, and controversy of life. As you can see at first glance, it’s not all that complicated. “Carousel” is just a trivial metaphor for the whirlpool in which we are all involved from birth. Then, on closer examination, the meditating viewer is able to delimit the entire movement in parts and details, it becomes clearer that different motives push people to participate in the Carousel. When some are eager to join, to turn into a part of the system, others are simply tired of everything and would gladly leave the circus, but they could not. “Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt” as the Romans said (Fates lead the willing, drag the unwilling). Often this is due to the fact that far fewer people have risen to the top than those who are fighting to stay above sea level, and far from the number of people who have already sunk to the bottom. All movement revolves basically around the centre, and this is the cycle of life. But if you look closely, the cycle does not always go in one direction, it is unpredictable. Here on the left is a big scary fish, there is a strange elephant: various odd creatures that embody our lifestyles…”