Charity Action to help Ukraine

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Dear friends, if someone wanted to buy my Alice, Looking Glass, Snark, but could not afford it because of the high price – now there is a great opportunity – to buy them on sale:
“Alice in Wonderland” – $100CAD+shipping cost
“Through the Looking Glass” – $150CAD+delivery cost
“Hunting on the Snark” – $50CAD + shipping.
All money raised (minus shipping costs) will go to help Ukraine.
Write me here in Messenger, email me to
Sale ends 04.03.2022 at 5pm

Oleg Yuriyovych Lipchenko

March 02, 2022

Dear friends! Our charity auction ended with the great result, but that was not all. The auction winners were so delighted with their
rewards that they have made further donations. The second wave increased the account by 18,800 Canadian dollars, so that the total amount now is 45,000 Canadian dollars !!!!!!!!!!!
This is a significant help.
I am grateful to everyone. You are good people – God bless you

Oleg Yuriyovych Lipchenko

March 14, 2022

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