
posted in: Graphick Art | 0

“Camel” a character to the Carousel” series. 2022, pen/ink on paper, 4″ X 6″, framed (12″ X 12″). Start bid $150CAD Reserve price $150CAD Auction on this lot runs till August 10.

Il Carosello Divina

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

“Il Carosello Divina”, the central and the biggest piece of my Carousel series. 2022, 24″X60″, pen and ink, acrylic on canvas


posted in: Uncategorized | 0

First day at TOAF almost over. I survived. And some artworks sold. Big Thank You to my grandson Timosha Tkachenko for his help! But tomorrow it’s gonna be hotter. See you guys tomorrow and on Sunday!

The Song of Carousel

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

People came from the prairies, they came from the void, They brought their pennies and are ready to pay. A Butcher or a Beaver, there is only one boat – Decide are you in or you stay. They long what … Continued

Papier-Mache Horse #1 – Sea-Sleipnir

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

Recently I’m preparing to TOAF (Toronto Outdoor Art Fair), July 15-17, where I’ll show my “Carousel” series. I’m working on a small brochure-catalog 8″x8″ for the exposition. There will be several big graphic pieces and small ones. Small drawings of … Continued

Apocalypse Riders

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

Dear friends, the upcoming Toronto Outdoor Art Fair published my “Apocalypse Riders” in their blog (along with 4 other artists). The exhibition will take place on Nathan Phillips Square, July 15-17. My booth is #65. Please mark your calendars and … Continued