Playing Cards

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Limited Edition of ‘Alice’ themed Playing Cards illustrated with characters from both ‘Looking Glass’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Oleg Lipchenko. Cards are dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the publication of ‘Looking-Glass’, which will take place next year (1871-2021). … Continued


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Dear friends,we raise funds to publish the ‘Looking-Glass’ Collector’s Edition illustrated by me, through Kickstarter, a respectable and secure fundraising web platform. You can buy a book or support our project with any amount. There are several interesting awards for … Continued

Густав Клімт — «Золота Адель»

posted in: Art History, Art Nouveau, Artists | 0

Текст про Густава Клімта можна б назвати: Великий Гламурний Художник. Настільки розтиражовані його твори, так часто вони «цитовані» візуально. Художнику який вплинув на цілі покоління, в масовій культурі відведено місце майже дизайнера одягу, репродукції його картин всюди: на обкладинках журналів … Continued

The Hunting of the Snark by Tundra Books

posted in: Illustration, Lewis Carroll | 0

          Tundra Books has published the Hunting of the Snark with my illustrations. Release date – October 9. The Hunting of the Snark An Agony in Eight Fits Written by Lewis Carroll Illustrated by Oleg Lipchenko Hardcover | 48 Pages … Continued

Dr. Freud in the world of Hieronymus Bosch.

  Dr. Frog didn’t appear at the clinic for several days. His colleagues and his wife began to worry about where he might be. He had last been seen entering his lab a week earlier. …. He happily wandered across … Continued