Il Carosello Divina

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

“Il Carosello Divina”, the central and the biggest piece of my Carousel series. 2022, 24″X60″, pen and ink, acrylic on canvas

The Song of Carousel

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

People came from the prairies, they came from the void, They brought their pennies and are ready to pay. A Butcher or a Beaver, there is only one boat – Decide are you in or you stay. They long what … Continued

Papier-Mache Horse #1 – Sea-Sleipnir

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

Recently I’m preparing to TOAF (Toronto Outdoor Art Fair), July 15-17, where I’ll show my “Carousel” series. I’m working on a small brochure-catalog 8″x8″ for the exposition. There will be several big graphic pieces and small ones. Small drawings of … Continued

Apocalypse Riders

posted in: CAROUSEL | 0

Dear friends, the upcoming Toronto Outdoor Art Fair published my “Apocalypse Riders” in their blog (along with 4 other artists). The exhibition will take place on Nathan Phillips Square, July 15-17. My booth is #65. Please mark your calendars and … Continued